
Wine and Design

OK Ladies, let's face it, it's been a tough year on so many levels!

So let's have some FUN with crystals!!! Grab your favourite wine and let's party on zoom! Ancient cultures all over the world knew the power of healing crystals and stones to transform their energy, spirit and health. And the popularity of crystals has been enjoying a resurgence as people adorn their wrists with beautiful, powerful mala bracelets.So if you are curious how to improve your energy, reduce stress, or manifest abundance, join us on Zoom for  a Virtual "Wine and Design" as we explore the healing properties of semi-precious beads. Choose from a fabulous assortment of stones, stainless steel charms, and spacers to design your own unique bracelet for you or that special gift.

Michele Maher will guide you and answer questions and offer suggestions as you design your own healing bracelet.  

$50.00 per person, includes one bracelet 

*minimum 6 people

*discount available on additional bracelets designed


Hostess will get a free bracelet as a Thank You Gift


Contact me to get started!